dissabte, 9 d’octubre del 2010

de/vision - Try to forget

Pels volts de desembre tornarem a tenir per Barcelona a de/vision i per anar preparant-nos poso la que em sembla que és la meva cançó preferida d'aquest grup alemany: Try to forget:

M'encanta la música. M'encanta la lletra:

You return in the night
Don't have a person to hold you
And you think about the past time
When you were
When you were still loved

You go to bed alone
Don't have a person to warm you
And you think about your last love...
Then you try to forget...

Try to forget...

But you can't forget...

You will show your tears and hide
And you hope that someone knows
That you are alone and takes you...
And takes you in his arms...

Your secrets are your thoughts
Write them down and start to cry
Write them down and start to scream...
Because you know you are alone...

Potser no és un grup molt animat en directe. Són més aviat pausats. Les seves cançons també ho acostumen a ser, però poder escoltar aquesta preciosa veu, que en directe sona tan bé com en un cd, és impresionant.