dijous, 5 de febrer del 2009

Depeche Mode - Primer Single

Presentació oficial del primer single WRONG el dia 21 de febrer al "Echo Awards" a Alemanya.

Tal qual: notícies noves a la pàgina oficial. Podrem escoltar la primera cançó del nou disc en un parell de setmanes si no es filtra abans per internet.

"Since the 80's Depeche Mode have been setting trends and creative courses in pop music, and seemingly effortlessly, but always with great sincerity, spanning the past and the future of pop music." explains Prof. Dieter Gorny, Chairman of Deutsche Phono-Akademie, the cultural institute of Bundesverband Musikindustrie e.V.. "It is a big honour for us that the band is presenting their first song of their highly anticipated new album world exclusively at the Echo Award Show."

Altres artistes que també intervindran son: U2, Katy Perry i Amy McDonald.