dimarts, 12 de maig del 2009

I hate you

Avui aquesta cançó perquè descriu com em sento. Insultar als clients és lleig, però jo em sentiria millor...

Seran capaços de dir una paraula amable quan s'acabi algun dels projectes? La veritat és que només vull que s'acabi tot bé, que estiguin contents i em deixin en pau.

Però de moment, en Peter Heppner em dóna un cop de mà:

I'm feeling great, I'm feeling fine
Oh, how wonderfully good it can be to know
Revenge is mine

You may think I will forget
And that time will wash away all the things
You should regret

But I will find a way
Do not think I can't wait

I hate you, from the bottom of my heart
I hate you, I'll kick and I'll break you
And I won't tear myself apart
I hate you, from the bottom of my heart

You can't make your words unsaid
No matter how much you ever try to make
Me forget

It's not a dream, this is real
The world is not your own fairy-tale and so
You will see

Revenge is enjoyed the most
If it's eaten cold.