A la pàgina Pop Justice van enviar preguntes als Pet Shop Boys sobre el nou àlbum Yes i el nou single Love Etc.
Totes les preguntes AQUÍ.
Algunes d'elles:
Q: Is the new single more rock or electronic?
A: Electronic.
Q: Will the masses like it?
Q: Do you think this song is better than any other song from the previous album Fundamental?.
A: No.
Q: Just how exciting is this?
A: 8/10.
Totes les preguntes AQUÍ.
Algunes d'elles:
Q: Is the new single more rock or electronic?
A: Electronic.
Q: Will the masses like it?
Q: Do you think this song is better than any other song from the previous album Fundamental?.
A: No.
Q: Just how exciting is this?
A: 8/10.
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