dilluns, 31 de gener del 2011

Colony 5

Aquesta setmana toca concert a la sala Bikini. Podrem veure Colony 5 com a teloners de Covenant.

Aprofito, doncs, per a posar algunes cançons en relació a aquest concert. A veure si d'aquesta manera aquest matí de dilluns passa més ràpid.

Pel que veig a la pàgina web de la sala sembla que aquesta serà la primera visita de Colony 5 a Bikini i espero que basin el seu repertori en el disc Structures (2003) que té algunes de les meves cançons preferides. Però no ens enganyem, és bastant més probable que el basin en el darrer disc Buried Again (2008).

Per aquest motiu he escollit una cançó de cada un dels discs. Probablement no són les millors, ni tan sols les meves preferides, però són les que ara m'ha vingut més de gust posar.

Com comentava abans, el disc Structures és del 2003. El seu tracklist és el següent i algunes de les cançons ja les he penjades abans al blog:
  • 01. Hate
  • 02. Synchronized Hearts
  • 03. Black
  • 04. The Zone
  • 05. God
  • 06. Is She Scared?
  • 07. It Was Only a Dream
  • 08. Reinforcements
  • 09. She's a Planet
  • 10. Unaware
  • 11. Band of Brothers
  • 12. Future

Avui he escollit She's a Planet:

La lletra és la següent:

She comes to me unwillingly
I take her hands and hold them tight
Her eyes are sad as if they had
Seen all bad and not a single right

The last few years were filled with tears
First of joy but now of grief
When she slept her life was kept
A conscience stolen by a thief

Her fragile face and shyish grace
Leaves me bereft
As much as I adore her skin to her core
She is in love with death

She wears her depression it's like her fashion
She's a planet in her own galaxy
My beautiful friend has reached the end
Of what she can take of reality

She wants to go back to the heart-attack
Which gave her a decade in coma
Her only desire is to expire
Into the dark world's sweet aroma

She wants to be the tragedy
The king of dreams wants to keep
She touch her hand to see if she can
Pinch herself back to sleep

Seguim ara amb l'altre disc, Buried Again, del 2008. Aquest és una mica més fosc que l'anterior, però no em desagrada. De fet ara l'estava escoltant i se m'ha passat volant, així que crec que va millorant cada vegada que l'escoltes. El tracklist és el següent:

  • 01. Ghost
  • 02. Knives
  • 03. Imaginary Girl
  • 04. Absolute Religion
  • 05. End of desperation
  • 06. Fanatic
  • 07. Heart Attack
  • 08. Closure
  • 09. Too Young
  • 10. Commitment
  • 11. Get off my back
  • 12. There'll be a time
  • 13. Pills

He tingut bastants dubtes, però finalment he escollit Closure:

La lletra és la següent:

I have never tried to wish
For something quite as good as this
Your catwalk face means nothing here
In silent screams you share your fear
The Smile I heard so much about
Is torn into a terrified shout
The Smile I heard so much about
Is torn into a terrified shout

Lovely murder you taste so sweet

I love to see you when you cry
Make-Up running as you lay
wide to receive the screaming knife,
which separates you from your life

Lovely murder you taste so sweet
Oh murder you taste so sweet

Anger, remorse and distress
What should I do about this mess?
I better clean before it dries
My ears are still ringing with your cries

Lovely murder you taste so sweet
Oh murder you taste so sweet
Lovely murder you taste so sweet
Oh murder you taste so sweet

Do you even remember me?
I was only seventeen
You were the girl in teenage dreams
Humiliation in the school canteen
closure closure closure ha-ahhh

Lovely murder you taste so sweet
Oh murder you taste so sweet

A veure què tal en directe el dissabte ja que no els he vist mai i diria que no n'he llegit res al respecte.