Aparto una mica les explicacions d'aquests dies per donar pas al nou tema d'Aesthetic Perfection.
Ja fa uns dies que comentava que el segon single del grup s'estava ultimant. Ahir, el Daniel Graves el va penjar a internet:
L'he escoltat un parell de vegades i té més bona pinta que l'anterior. No acaba de convèncem al 100%, però té parts que són molt bones i donen més esperances de cara al nou cd. La lletra és la següent:
"Follow me to the dark
Into the dead of night
It's time to see the truth
To meet the other side
I'll give you what you crave
I'll leave you wanting more
Cause everything you need
Is lurking in the core
You gotta get it
Oh, you gotta get it
You gotta cut that hole inside of me
You gotta cut deep down below
To where the beauty digs its hole
You'll never love me and it shows
For who I truly am
Why must I be a fraud?
Why must I be a show?
Why cant' I be content
To reap the seed I've sewn?
For all your flattery
For all your words of praise
You're only nurturing
The side of me I hate
Run from the one
In the dark
He'll never let you go"
Ja fa uns dies que comentava que el segon single del grup s'estava ultimant. Ahir, el Daniel Graves el va penjar a internet:
L'he escoltat un parell de vegades i té més bona pinta que l'anterior. No acaba de convèncem al 100%, però té parts que són molt bones i donen més esperances de cara al nou cd. La lletra és la següent:
Into the dead of night
It's time to see the truth
To meet the other side
I'll give you what you crave
I'll leave you wanting more
Cause everything you need
Is lurking in the core
You gotta get it
Oh, you gotta get it
You gotta cut that hole inside of me
You gotta cut deep down below
To where the beauty digs its hole
You'll never love me and it shows
For who I truly am
Why must I be a fraud?
Why must I be a show?
Why cant' I be content
To reap the seed I've sewn?
For all your flattery
For all your words of praise
You're only nurturing
The side of me I hate
Run from the one
In the dark
He'll never let you go"
2 comentaris:
Aquests, van escalant posicions al meu univers particular d'una manera brutal.
Si vols escoltar el cd sencer, està aquí en streaming: http://www.revolvermag.com/news/exclusive-aesthetic-perfection-premiere-new-album-til-death.html
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