Avui és un dia de bajón absolut. Porto quasi 2 hores aquí, sense fer res, amb els ànims pel terra. Incomprensible, tenint en compte que aquest dissabte, d'aquí dos dies, me'n vaig a Berlín i podré veure, per fi, al Peter Heppner en viu.
Però no hi ha res a fer. Estic desanimada. No sempre les coses surten com un voldria i, a més, afegint-hi les meves paranoies personals, es fan grans i grans. Però bé, com ja se sap, només hi ha una cosa que no tingui cura, així que a veure si escribint totes les notícies que tinc pendents, passa una mica el dia.
Tenint en compte tots aquests aspectes que comentava, no em quedava més remei, que posar la cançó Cry Tonight. Malauradament, la cançó no hi és per enlloc. Al final, com que m'he cansat de buscar , no la volia pujar jo i volia compartir aquesta sí o sí, l'he agafada de l'Spotify.
La lletra de la cançó ve que ni pintada:
"There's no mercy for a lover
It's straight into the heart
This I know like no other
Since I feel for you,
Since I assumed you feel it too
But started playing around with me
But I think, that you own me
For telling you no lie
Oh why...Why can't you see
I'm here to give my heart...to you
And I don't care about tomorrow
I won't cry for you tonight
I won't shed a tear
In every darkness there's a light
That shines for me
A yearning fire deep inside
That will not hesitate
To burn me up again
So, don't you wait!
There's no pain like a lover's
Longing for your touch
But I'm none like the others
'Cause I'm the one for you
if you expect to find
Deepest love until the end of time
And this one comes wiht a warning
At least told you so
Oh no...Why don't you see
I'm still in love with you...today
But I don't know about tomorrow
I wont't cry for you tonight
I won't shed a tear
In every darkness there's a light
Taht shines for me
Yearning fires deep inside
Don't underestimate
Love will find a way
So, don't you wait!"
Però no hi ha res a fer. Estic desanimada. No sempre les coses surten com un voldria i, a més, afegint-hi les meves paranoies personals, es fan grans i grans. Però bé, com ja se sap, només hi ha una cosa que no tingui cura, així que a veure si escribint totes les notícies que tinc pendents, passa una mica el dia.
Tenint en compte tots aquests aspectes que comentava, no em quedava més remei, que posar la cançó Cry Tonight. Malauradament, la cançó no hi és per enlloc. Al final, com que m'he cansat de buscar , no la volia pujar jo i volia compartir aquesta sí o sí, l'he agafada de l'Spotify.
La lletra de la cançó ve que ni pintada:
It's straight into the heart
This I know like no other
Since I feel for you,
Since I assumed you feel it too
But started playing around with me
But I think, that you own me
For telling you no lie
Oh why...Why can't you see
I'm here to give my heart...to you
And I don't care about tomorrow
I won't cry for you tonight
I won't shed a tear
In every darkness there's a light
That shines for me
A yearning fire deep inside
That will not hesitate
To burn me up again
So, don't you wait!
There's no pain like a lover's
Longing for your touch
But I'm none like the others
'Cause I'm the one for you
if you expect to find
Deepest love until the end of time
And this one comes wiht a warning
At least told you so
Oh no...Why don't you see
I'm still in love with you...today
But I don't know about tomorrow
I wont't cry for you tonight
I won't shed a tear
In every darkness there's a light
Taht shines for me
Yearning fires deep inside
Don't underestimate
Love will find a way
So, don't you wait!"
2 comentaris:
uy!! Espero que aquest desanim, hagi passat!!
Bon any
I tant, i tant. A vegades m'agafa la tonteria incomprensiblement.
Feliç 2013!
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